Sunday, March 25, 2012

My first epic post

Note:  This blog may contain vast amounts of epic.

To enhance the reading experience, play this song:

"Dreams don't come true. That's why they are dreams. If they were to come true, then they weren't really dreams, they were goals."- Full Metal Alchemist

 Here it is, my top 3 main goals.

Goal 1:   I want to be able to take apart and reassemble a computer with ease.  I want to get so good at it that I can put together a computer while hanging upside down blindfolded.  This is probably the easiest goal to reach.  When we get to the hardware section of tech class, then I would need to take a ton of notes on what each computer part is and what they do.  Afterwards, I would pay close attention to how we put the computer together and practice over and over doing it myself.  Hopefully that would help me out so when I get a job and there's a huge problem with one of the computers that nobody can solve, the staff can be like,"This looks impossible to solve.  Good thing we have someone that specializes in the impossible.  It looks like we need him."  Then another staff member would be say,"Yeah, I believe it's about that time."  Then some new staff member would be all like "Who are you guys talking about?"  Then they would both say in unison, "The number one ace IT that works here...Matthew Valdez!"  Yeah, I think that's it for that goal.  

Goal 2:  So I know what everyone is thinking.  When you think of Matthew Valdez giving speeches, then you think of someone with tons of confidence and guys think that right?   Well allow me to blow your minds; when I give speeches, I'm the exact opposite of that.  When I get in front of a group of people to make a speech, I end up either rushing it and talking too fast or just come off as awkward.  That's something I want to change.  I want to be able to get in front of a podium in front of tons of people and talk about how potatoes are probably one of the greatest things on this earth, and I want people to cry and be moved by how powerful my speech was.  To reach this goal, I'm planning on joining the gavel club and hone my skills.  Hopefully being there will give me the confidence I need to give public speeches.

Goal 3:  My last goal, is to stay motivated.  This is probably going to be the hardest goal to reach.  Right now, I'm on point with my homework.  But as the program goes on, I know I might start procrastinating and slacking.  To reach this goal, I would rely on my colleagues.  I would look at how motivated they are and that in itself would keep me motivated.