Monday, April 16, 2012

Benicia, The Most Boring Town In The World

Benicia is a very nice town, it's right next to the water and it's filled with great communities and great people.  There's not that much crime and there are plenty of low cost living places.  The most popular street in Benicia is filled with small town stores and "Mom and Pop" restaurants.  It's a place where all the locals love to go to hang out, especially since the street leads to a great view of the marina.  Benicia is the type of town where after kids grow up, they raise their families in their childhood home.  They enroll their kids in the schools that they went to and they sometimes even have the same teachers.   It's a place where everybody knows each other.  All in all, Benicia is an ideal town to raise a family in.   It's a true "Leave it to Beaver" type of town.  Sadly, for a guy like me, Benicia is probably the most boring town in the whole world. 

I am who I am despite the neighborhood I live in. Beneath my shy guy exterior lies a burning fire that needs to escape.  Living in Benicia makes me feel too caged from the outside world.  A quote that explains how I feel living in Benicia would be "Nothing amazing happens here, everything is ordinary".  Personally, I love all the chaos, mischief, and mayhem that you can only find in a city.  That's one of the reasons I love going to Year Up everyday.  I love being surrounded by the loud city life.  Being in a quiet boring town like Benicia makes me feel like I'm dying everyday.  I feel like an old man in a retirement home that needs to break free.  I like to go out and go on adventures and meet new people.  Those are things that I definitely cannot do in a boring quiet town like Benicia. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Note:  This will be an angry post

I HATE ADS! You see how I used all caps in that last sentence to show how mad I am? I hate how they're everywhere.  The only times ads are acceptable is when you're watching a good show on TV and a commercial comes on. Because then you can get up and use the bathroom without missing anything.  Ads are only acceptable when they're entertaining.  Everybody loves a funny commercial.  Actually, now that I think about it, ads are fine when they're on TV or before a movie.  But besides that, ads push me away just because of the fact that if they show up anywhere else than the places I just mention, they're really annoying.

Especially when I go on YouTube to listen to music and a stupid ads pop up.  Just let me listen to my song in peace without getting interrupted with a commercial about Ford trucks.  I mean yeah I understand why they put ads on music videos for artists and what not; but do they really need to put ads for a non official video?  For example, I would want to listen to a song and look at the lyrics at the same time, so I would go on YouTube and search for a lyrics video.  When I play the video, I'm ready and pumped to sing along...then an ad for a movie trailer pops up.  It's super frustrating.

 As shown int he picture above, I want to watch a video from the band Arctic Monkeys, but instead I have to wait a few seconds to skip a 2 minute movie trailer of Total Recall.  Come on YouTube, seriously?  I don't want to wait, just let me get straight to whatever I want to watch. 

I also hate how they put ads on some apps for your phone.  For example, when I'm playing Words with Friends.  After I play a word, an add pops up and I have to wait for that ad to finish before I get to play another word.

What I'm trying to say is, the time and place for ads are for television, movies, and magazines.  I mean, park benches and buses are appropriate too.  They're not exactly pernicious or anything, since most of them are entertaining.  But if ads are anywhere else but that, then that really pushes me away from them.  I see ads on Facebook and plenty of other sites.  Most of the time I just ignore them, but sometimes man...sometimes they just get on my nerves.