Sunday, July 22, 2012

Internship, The Final Countdown

The technical skills that I've learned at Year Up that will add value to the company are my abilities to think on my feet with troubleshooting and to assemble and reassemble a computer with ease.  The skills that I'll probably display first are my tech skills.  I would need to show off my troubleshooting abilities and my knowledge of hardware.  Those are probably the most important skills that I've learned in tech class.

I'll probably work well under a really chill friendly manager.  One that doesn't talk down to his employees or isn't too strict.  I'm a pretty laid back person so if I had a manager that acted the same then things would be really smooth and would take a lot of pressure off of me.  

The soft skills I wish to develop are my speaking abilities.  I want to become more charismatic and confident when I talk and not come off as awkward.  It's something that I've struggled with at Year Up, but I believe if I'm put into an environment where I have to talk to people a lot then I should be fine.  The only anxieties I have are not knowing what to do during a problem or running into a situation where I feel pressured and I choke.  I'm not really one that does well under pressure.

I plan to stand out during internship by going above and beyond with my work.  I want to be the guy that people can rely on and turn to when they need help.  I also want to take every opportunity that comes my way so my work will be noticed. 

My plan for after internship is to try and earn a job.  If that doesn't work out then I'll try and find a job using my network at Year Up.  After I do find a job, I want to learn as much as a can there to gain actual work experience.  When I feel confident enough, I want to move to San Diego to work at Sony.

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